One For The Aged
Arrestee sets record for oldest perp in mug shot roundup

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MAY 14--The indecorous Georgia woman, 47, who kicks off this week's mug shot roundup was busted Sunday for public intoxication (but you probably figured that out).
A few notes about the remaining arrestees: 1) After an election day dispute, the 95-year-old Ohioan on page #3 allegedly threatened to come back with his gun and settle a score with poll workers. Though he claimed the May 4 warning was just a joke, the nonagenarian was collared for inducing panic. However, a judge dismissed the case a few days later; 2) No, that's not one of those 'Jersey Shore' cast members on page #10. Just a look-alike 24-year-old Floridian who was busted Saturday for domestic battery; and 3) The Idaho man, 36, on page #14 was booked Tuesday after pleading guilty to open container and failure to appear charges. (14 pages)